Det er vår!
April 29, 2023
Torstein Seim
no responses
Pave Frans har gjort det! Han har åpnet for at den tradisjonelle bispesynoden til høsten skal utvides med ordensfolk og legfolk, kvinner og menn, og de kommer til å være deltakere med stemmerett! Vi er underveis!
Pressemelding fra
Voting Rights for Laity at Global Synod
27 April 2023
Success for We Are Church request
WE ARE CHURCH warmly welcomes the decision by Pope Francis to include 80 non-bishops of which 40 are women with full voting rights at the upcoming Synods.
This is something that WE ARE CHURCH has long campaigned for. We had written to Cardinal Grech and Cardinal Hollerich earlier this year and we are delighted that Pope Francis has responded positively.
It is a historic first step towards a truly Synodal church with all the people of God involved in making decisions about issues which affect all. We see this as an important first step towards achieving full equality for women in the Catholic Church and the hope that in the near future lay people can be represented in Church Synods by means of participative and democratic procedures.
Colm Holmes, Chair, We Are Church International
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America, jesuit review